For expectant parents
When you’re expecting a baby it’s an exciting time. It can also feel daunting. There seems to be so much to do to prepare. And often we focus on the items we need to buy rather than preparing ourselves for this huge change.
There are things you can do now to acquire new knowledge, and stretch your body, mind and emotions in preparation for the arrival of your baby. Our services can help.
Join The Village now because you will need it later. Start meeting the people you can share your joys and challenges with as you become a parent.

Emerging into Spring: an Equinox retreat for mothers
As the earth blooms back into life, so do we.
Join us to celebrate the emergence of spring, and the re-emergence of ourselves. After a long dark winter of underground dreaming, we have reached the Spring Equinox.
Looking for something different? Try our pages for parents, children and families or adults. Or see everything we have on offer.
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